TEL: 028 4321 8010 / MOB: 07783 918416

PVC Window Recycling

Complete Recycling Service

Your PVC windows are draughty and old.. They’ve definitely seen better days. You want new energy efficient windows but can’t afford to have them fitted just now. What do you do?

This service is a brilliant choice. We remove all of your glass and replace it will the highly efficient glass double glazed argon filled units. All PVC is deep cleaned leaving it looking rich, glossy and new. Every part is serviced and deep cleaned. All seals and gaskets are replaced with brand new ones. To all intents and purposes these are indistinguishable from brand new windows and you have just saved yourself a small fortune. You’ve also prevented perfectly good windows from being thrown away, saving waste and in your own small way helping to fight climate change.

And it’s not just windows, we rcondition PVC doors too!
We can recondition your old PVC doors as well. We keep the frame and surround but completely replace the door facing (the bit you see). You can choose any style from our huge range and nobody will ever know it’s not a 100% brand new door. You can retain your exitsing handles and letterbox or have quality brand new items fitted. We can also fit a brand new locking system too! You’ll make a huge saving compared to buying a brand new door and it cuts down massively on waste as well.

PVC Window Repair and Recycling Services in Northern Ireland - Mourne UPVC

Complete Recycling Service

You guessed it, what works on windows and doors also works on conservatories too! In many cases conservatories actually showcase the recycling service to its best advantage. As conservatories are usually more exposed to the weather than windows (no shelter from being inset into a wall for example), they often look dirty and worn after only a few years. Our deep cleaning service completely eliminates the buildup of dirt, especially on the roofs and other hard to clean parts. All PVC is left polished, rich, glossy and sparkling new.

Of course any broken handles, hoppers, hinges or misted units can be replaced if required. One main advantage is that if your roof is worn, leaking or storm damaged, we can completely replace it with a brand new custom designed one. You can choose polycarbinate or high performance energy glass to cut down on heat loss in winter and keep you cool in summer. You can also use the opportunity to fit a state of the art aluminium roof vent, either manually or electrically operated. Put the life back into your conservatory for a fraction of the cost of replacing it.

At Mourne uPVC we offer a recycling service which can completely revamp your windows, turning old, tired and discoloured PVC windows, into windows that most people would assume were brand new. Well serviced PVC frames will last for years and years, it’s usually the glass that’s first to go.

Glass Reconditioning

Some of your glass units have misted up and the rest of your windows have the same problem as above. These windows are knackered and need replaced! Of course they don’t, we can do everything mentioned above but also replace any misted units with quality glass double glazing units. Clear as a bell and your windows now look as good as new.

When double glazed windows get to between 5 and 10 years old it’s quite common for the seal in the glass to fail and for the window to mist up. Also hinges, handles and locks often break at this age. The windows are usually out of warranty at this point and most householders see it as necessary to completely replace the window. As people usually want all of their windows to perfectly match they usually end up replacing all of their windows with new ones. It’s not cheap and it’s not really necessary.

Frame Reconditioning

Your window units are fine, there’s no misting but the frames look dowdy and old and some of handles are loose. One or more of your windows don’t open properly and make loud screeching noising when opening for cleaning.

You don’t need brand new windows! Using special PVC treatments we can deep clean the PVC frames leaving them looking brand new, rich and glossy. We service the opening mechanisms, replacing anything that’s broken and properly lubricating each moving part. All screws are properly tensioned and any perished seals are replaced. All areas on the inside of the frame are deep cleaned. Any broken hinges or handles are replaced with quality new items. Your windows now look brand new and you’ve saved money!

Call Mourne UPVC for a Quote Today

TEL: 028 4321 8010         MOB: 07783 918416