TEL: 028 4321 8010 / MOB: 07783 918416

Fully Reversable Windows

The Rehau fully reversible window is designed to be used in applications such as high rise buildings and homes and is commonly used in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The sash can be turned fully inside out without intruding into the interior of the room, allowing the opportunity to easily clean the exterior pane from the inside of the building.

The gearing mechanism used allows for varying degrees of secure ventilation and is one of the most robust gearing mechanisms available on the market. With slim sightlines the reversible window allows optimum light into the room.

Colour Options

White  Golden Oak  Rosewood

Key Features

• 70mm frame depth – front to back

• Internally glazed casement

• 28mm sloped, semi-sloped or feature co extruded glazing beads

• Flush finish to welds

• Full suite of ancilliaries

• Designed to accept latest hardware innovations

• Co-extruded solid and cellular EPDM Grey casement seal for optimum performance

• Galvanised steel reinforced to British Standards

• Products enable compliance with latest Building Regulations

• BS7412 & BS7950 on all products

• Window Energy Ratings – A, B and C on all products

• All external sections have a 50 degree chamfer for optimal aesthetic appearance and to match the putty line

Call Mourne UPVC for a Quote Today

TEL: 028 4321 8010         MOB: 07783 918416